January Events

1. Alzheimer's from space radiation
사진 : 깊은 우주 임무에 오리온 다목적중인 차량 (MPCV)의 아티스트의 렌더링.

NASA Space Radiation Laboratory at National Laboratory found that the cosmic radiation on such a mission could accelerate the onset of Alzheimer's disease. I already know that space traveling causes many diease to astonauts such as nausea, vomiting, skin injury and so on. They are because of radiation exposure. But I did not know that these are all kind of 'short-time exposure'. In this article, if astronauts exposed by radiation for a long time, they may get Alzheimer's.
It so sad that astronauts are in danger of such diseases. The doctor said we sould creat more 6 foot of wall to protect astronauts from radiation expose. I think its almost impossible for nowadays technmology.
Frankly speaking, my grandfather had had Alzheimer's, so I know that is really painful to not only patient but also his(her) family. When I carch a worl 'Alzheimer's' I automatically click the article and read it and then post it on my blog. I wish technology and research develop as soon as possible so be able to protect our astronauts from any kind of nervous problems.

2. Shooting again in Mexico

BBC News - Mexico: Nine killed in Coahuila bar shootings
According to this article, heavily armed gunmen in northern Mexico have stormed two bars, killing at least nine people. The attacks happened within minutes of each other in the city of Torreon.
Again! I picked up lots of gun shooting news in my blog. Korea,where I live, gun possession is guilty itself. So this kind of news are not familiar with me but as I heard so many times of gun accidents they are not unfamiliar to me anymore. This fact itself makes me so sad because I feel like heartless.
It is so shocked that shooting occured again just after about one month of the Connecticut mascre. The more frequent that I heard about shooting news, the more I think gun possession should be illegal or in even stronger regulation.

3. Prison breaker cat
 Prison guards in Brazil's northeast Alagoas state say they have foiled a jailbreak plot with a cat as an accomplice.
Cat caught with drill, phone in Brazil prison
Prison guards in Brazil's northeast Alagoas state say they have foiled a jailbreak plot with a surprising accomplice: a black and white cat. The cat had a cell phone, drills, assorted batteries and two saws taped to its body when it was spotted by guards. About a few years ago, USA soap opera, prison breaker was very famous in Korea and though I did not watched that program I heard many times about it. A prisoner, main character, drew a map on his body and tried to escape a jail. I laughed when I saw this article. Prisoners tried to use cats for escaing but they failed. By cat!? What a childish thought! They treated cops too easy.

4. Mystery fish caught in Pacific

Greg Caterino of Tavernier hoists the humpback grouper -- a Pacific Ocean species -- he speared off North Key Largo in late December.
The 15-pound, 27-inch fish speared by Greg Caterino of Tavernier turned out to be a humpback grouper; a species native not to Pacific Reef but to the tropical Pacific Ocean off Asia. According to this article, this is the equivalent of a hunter in North America finding a zebra. Its interesting description. The caught fish is originally live in Asia ocean bur found near USA. People thought it was amazing and they said they expected to find what was in the deep sea more. However, I think this phenomena are not just interesting. The news said this kind of weird fishing is not the first time. It means the weather changes not only air but also water temperature and it bacome more and more. Unfamiliar fishes appearances are not funny and interesting thing. We should aware of them as kind of warning from Earth.

5. Man City got new year 1st victory

Although i cannot play soccer well but i like to watch the game and i have my favorite team also. It is Man City. I like the whole team and its play itself, rather than particular player. Jan.1 they won Stoke city and get the first victory in 2013. I am so proud of my favorite team and hope them to show me lots of wonderful plays again in this year.

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