2013년 1월 1일 화요일

Must charge more punishments

Demonstrators shout slogans as they are surrounded by the police during a protest rally in New Delhi
India files murder charges in gang rape
Terrible gang rape at Dec. 16 led a young victim to death. The article said that gangs use iron pipe to harm her and her boyfriend. This awful accident sent outraged protesters to street. As times go by, protesters getting more and more angry. India government tried to halt rising anger of public so they put more politicians at night and check bus drivers and assistants. They also said that they will post pictures and names of criminals. However angry protesters from all over the world required death penalty.
Well, I think their such horrible crimes deserve death penalty, but I think we should consider it more rationally.If we put them to death, the criminals' fault will end on that day. I would rather punish them long long time for society and let them spend all their life in regrets and apologies.

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