2013년 1월 1일 화요일

Korean singer passed away and donates organs


A Korean singer have brain death. He is not that famous for 10s and 20s, he was famous about 10 years ago. He was devout Christian and he pledged to donate his organs after death. I think organ donation is consistent with the beliefs of most religions. I have no religion but I want to donate my organs after death, too.
I am interested in help other people. So I make my plan of 2013 to pledged to organ donation and hematopoietic stem cell donation. Of course I should talk about it with my family's agreement.
Though I knew him at this time, after he died, I really respect him and wish more people were organ donators influenced by him. My he rest in peace.

"Les miserables" hits Korea box office!

I saw this movie on Christmas Eve. Frankly speaking, just after it starts I thought it is wierd since I did not know that it is musical movie. However as time goes by my heart was full of impression and I was deeply touched by the movie. Though I already know about story, it was very good. All scenes are so impressive and above all things, the songs(lines) are ringing in my ears during a few days after that day.
I could see a man's whole life in one movie. Youth, imprisoned, personation, love, and death. I think this is my best movie in december so I picked it up on my blog.

Snow Bomb in Gyeongsang-do


Huge amount of snow fell in Dec.28 in Yeoungnam. It was the heaviest snowfall in 60 years in Daegu. Originally, Yeoungnam districts (southern part of Korea) is one of the warmest area and there are little or no snow in winter of course. However in 2012 there were heavy snow. I live in Seoul and I feel it snows more than last year and much colder, too.
I think all of these wierd weather condition is caused by global warming. As many people think that climate would change hotter and hotter by global warming, but it is not true. Global warming cause not only hotter days but also colder days. This is because as the Earth become warm, ices in north pole melt more and above the empty sea, water vapor created more. This vapor make huge snow in Siberia and that snow develop cold Siberian continental articyclone. This is mechanism of colder weather by global warming.
Again, I decide to use disposable products as little as I can and keep the Earth clean.

Must charge more punishments

Demonstrators shout slogans as they are surrounded by the police during a protest rally in New Delhi
India files murder charges in gang rape
Terrible gang rape at Dec. 16 led a young victim to death. The article said that gangs use iron pipe to harm her and her boyfriend. This awful accident sent outraged protesters to street. As times go by, protesters getting more and more angry. India government tried to halt rising anger of public so they put more politicians at night and check bus drivers and assistants. They also said that they will post pictures and names of criminals. However angry protesters from all over the world required death penalty.
Well, I think their such horrible crimes deserve death penalty, but I think we should consider it more rationally.If we put them to death, the criminals' fault will end on that day. I would rather punish them long long time for society and let them spend all their life in regrets and apologies.

Wonderful singer GAGA

MTV Mobile News: Lady Gaga Invites Fans Onto BornBrave Bus For Free Counseling
At first when i see her on youtube and news, i thought she is little crazy girl who just wanna get popularity by appealing she is abnormal. However time went by and i figure out that she really loves her fans and singing songs. I changed my attitude for her after read an article aboit her concert. It said that she hold her opinion to sing a song in live. She does not lip-sync at all when she can sing. Nowadays, too many singers lip-sync making upon an excuse about dancing.
Not only for about singing, she really think about her fans. In this article, she started to give a counselling services. I think i can learn many things from her

Coffee cup + political message


Though a coffee cup is too small to affect to politicians, I think Starbucks did very good works in society. Since we live in democratic society, we all have right to participate in politics. Starbucks' small message  not only reflect the company's hope but also lead people to feel that they are really one of the members of society, i think.

Happy birthday, Mr. Potato head


WOW. My two favorite animations are Toy story series and Snow white. One of them, Toy story is really old one and Mr. Potato head is also very old character.
Few days ago, on Christmas 2012, he celebrate his 60th birthday. Its amazing!
I picked this news up because I can feel warm by remembering my childhood.
"An oldie, but goodie."